Sunday, March 1, 2009

Freud and mob psychology

I found both Jonathan's and Alex's posts about Freud and the mob to be interesting, but I find myself agreeing more with Alex than with Jonathan. The collective has a powerful effect on people, but I don't think it can fundamentally change human nature; it only brings out the worst (or infrequently, the best) in each of us. If the collective has the ability to make people's actions violent and aggressive, then doesn't each individual thus have latent elements of violence and aggression? Perhaps (and this might be a reach) mobs might bring out more of the unconscious than an individual acting alone. The constraints of society are lessened by the influence of others and mob psychology, and baser instincts dictate the individual within the group. I don't know if the decision to become "the savage wolf" is as conscious a decision as Alex portrays it, but I do think the presence of the mob lessens rational behavior and allows the unconscious more free reign.

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