Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Mongols brought the Black Plague to Russia, from whence it moved west
Black Plague--> killed 1/3 of European population-> people moved out of the cities
Renaissance--> population rebounded to pre-plague levels
--> time was peaceful and prosperous
--> religious wars, plague--> Italian population went down
Beginning of exponential population growth
New World--> colonized partly because of overpopulation
European marriage pattern: women married older, large percentage of women remained unmarried
French Revolution/Industrial Revolution
--> people moved from country to city (Enclosure Acts, etc.)
--> longer lifespans, but families still large
--> needed extra money- child workers, lots of babies
--> rise of the middle class
--> consumerism
population doubled between 1800-1900
-->cities ill-equipped for rapid pop expansion--> the Social Question
-->longer life span
-->vaccination for smallpox, sanitation, cheaper food
-->rising fertility (as opposed to falling mortality)
-->people married younger, bigger families
WWI-->loss of an entire generation of men
Great Depression-->migration, smaller families?
post-WWII-->baby boom

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